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Reims Rocket / Hawk XP II Boris Audio Works

Quick hack to use Boris Audio Works mod for C172 on my Reims Rocket mod.

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MSFS 2024 compatibility

Are you ready ?

I’ve spent some time preparing my packages, and I’m not !

As a contractor, I had access to dev alpha and had the chance to evaluate my mods.

Well… Nothing will be fully compatible for launch !

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Reims Rocket / Hawk XP II GPS Stacks v2

I recently fall in love with the Bendix King KLN90b GPS unit provide as an opensource projet from falcon71

As I added the WT GNS430, I also took time to add this very sweet unit to the GPS options available in the Reims Rocket.

You will need to download the package from falcon71 on github

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Savannah S

I’m a big fan of ultra light airplanes and I’ve been working on the Savannah-S for a few months now.

In its current state, the model is practically finished, as are the animations; the flight model is a very rough first version, but the plane can fly. All material work remains to be done. There is no sound, no camera, no checklist and so on. With any luck, a beta will soon be available.

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Cessna 172 Bushkit
Cessna 172 Bushkit
Last udpate on 2025-01-18
Version v3.2.2
Clic here to download

Cessna 172 Taildragger
Cessna 172 Taildragger
Last udpate on 2025-01-18
Version v3.4.2
Clic here to download

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