Alps altiports
- Mod release date : 2020-11-18
- Mod last update : 2021-10-05
- Mod current version : v1.8.0
More information on
Alps altiports mod page
Download links
Current file : bagolu-alps-altiports.zip
Contact me if you need help : Contact information
Mod information, how to install...
See more information and installation notes on Alps altiports mod pageChangelog
🚧 New release : v1.8.0
Fix :
- LF7421 - LF7422 name mixup
New airfield :
- LF7470 Cervens ULM (requested on flightsim.to)
🚧 New release : v1.7.0
Fixes :
- LF7328 : WU6 fix (trees on the runway)
Additions :
- LF7422 : Refuge d’Argentière building on request by Take Off France group.
- All altiports : runway parkings have been added everywhere for cold startups.
Enjoy the Alps !
🚧 New release : v1.5.0
New altiports added to the pack :
- LF7324 : Glacier de la Grande Motte
- LF 7328 : Valmorel
You can also find included 3 altiports developped by Zaelu :
- LF0652 : Altisurface Cipieres
- LF0621 : Altisurface Isola 2000
- LF0654 : Altisurface Valberg A big thank to him for proposing to join the pack https://fr.flightsim.to/profile/zaelu
🚧 New release : v1.4.0
With SU5, a small update was required : 7422 : terraforming 7427 : terraforming 7430 : rename 3822 : fix name 7423 : terrraforming 38xx : moved runway between roads
Don’t forget you can install all theses altiports or remove some of them to install better alternatives made by other moders.
Enjoy the Alps !
🚧 New release : v1.3.1
World update 4 Support
A lot of work has been done in that area by Asobo (elevation fixes) This is an update to correct runways elevations.
🚧 New release : v1.3.0
- LF7322 initial scenery
- LF7427 initial scenery
🚧 New release : v1.2.1
- LF7424 fix runway lights
🚧 New release : v1.2.0
This is a minor update, no new airport this time.
- LF3829 renamed to LF3825 (was a mistake)
- Added light cones in every airport : very helpfull with snow like theses days
- LF38XX : start/end fixed
- LF3822, LF3829 : airport position fixed
- LF7422, 7423, 7424 : utf8 name fixed
- LF7421, 7423, 7424, 7425, 7426 : surface label for map fixed
🚧 New release : v1.1.0
- LF3829 runway fix (heading was wrong)
- LF38XX Historic altisurface Villard Notre Dame (it is closed now)
If someone knows the real code for Villard Notre Dame, I would be glad to replace its name.
🚧 New release : v1.0.0
LF3822 Altisurface de la Crête de Brouffiers
LF3829 Altisurface Col de Sarenne
LF3856 Altisurface La Bergerie
Airports are now delivered separatly : they are still all in the zip file; they are all in individual directories to be put in the community folder
Upgrade note :
- remove the unique bagolu-alps-altiports folder from community,
- put all the directories in the zip file instead :
- bagolu-airport-ag1481-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-laplagne1800-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf3822-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf3825-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf3856-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7329-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7421-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7422-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7423-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7424-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7425-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7426-alps-altiports
- bagolu-airport-lf7430-alps-altiports
- bagolu-modellib-alps-altiports
🚧 New release : v0.3.1
- LF7430 has been modified to be compatible with themoonline’s scenery : I removed a little bit of scenery and set the same names so they can be overriden.
You should have a look at https://flightsim.to/file/4601/saint-roch-mayeres-lf430-mont-blanc-altisurface# and install it too. This mod is a much more realistic mod of this altiport than the one I only made to exist :)
🚧 New release : v0.2.0
- LF7421 Altiport du Col de Cenise : initial scenery
- LF7430 Saint-Roch Mayères : initial scenery
- LF7426 Fix name