Cessna 172 Amphibian
- Mod release date : 2021-06-05
- Mod last update : 2022-09-30
- Mod current version : v1.5.0
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🚧 New release : v1.5.0
- use new WT1000 NXI system (SU10 update required)
🚧 New release : v1.4.2
- differential braking, thanks to RALF9636
New: two new liveries given by Ann0v :
- I-GNHR livery
- I-GDRX livery
🚧 New release : v1.4.1
Fixed the discharging battery problem Installed a new three blade propeller
Happy bushin’ !
🚧 New release : v1.4.0
New features :
- Use of Asobo’s C172 interiors models in both G1000 and classic models :
- Landing gear lever and indicator
- water rudder lever
Fixes :
- Fixed the blank transponder in classic model
- Use of the Asobo’s flight model on water
I have not started the flight model tuning update yet. I’ll do it as soon as I can !
Asobo has not replied to my access request to the missing (encrypted) files. I hope they’ll do.
Known bugs :
- if the classic 172 Textron has the fuel valve locked on the left tank, you will have the same problem in this plane with the classic version.
I hope you’ll enjoy this new version, happy flying !
🚧 New release : v1.3.0
Bug fixes and new features :
- water sounds on water
- new landing effects (dirt, snow, grass, water…) thanks to Carbonprop
- Flight dynamics landing on water is now less clunky
- wendy texture rework thanks to AIRPAC1
- prop side bug with taxi lights corrected thanks to PopS738
- pilots and interior do not disappear out of the plane anymore
There is still work to do on this model, especialy with the flight model that is still overpowered.
I have asked Asobo the access to the missing (encrypted) files of the classic version in order to have a fully working cockpit. I hope they’ll grant it to modders
🚧 New release : v1.2.1
Minor update
- fixed the sportsman texture
- fixed a livery glitch under the wings
🚧 New release : v1.2.0
- Fuel flow regression fixed
- Gear indicator on the right side too
- Floats position in water corrected
- Rivets texture (on the plane) fixed
Thanks a lot to Airmoose1 for all the usefull feedbacks from a real seaplane pilot !
🚧 New release : v1.1.0
Thanks for all your feedbacks on the initial release of the plane. I know there’s a lot of work to do. Here’s a first update :
- Blurred prop fixed
- floats were sitting too deep in the water
- fixed rivets texture on wendy livery
- new sounds for water rudders extend/retract
- new sounds for gear extend/retract
- water rudders extend/retract time changed (simulate manual lever)
- Useless files cleanup in the packages
- Use of modern_fm_only=1
- Quick fix on the fact that the plane is really too powerfull (it will require hard work)
Happy flying & swiming