Cessna 172SP Skyhawk AS1000 improvement
- Mod release date : 2022-09-10
- Mod last update : 2024-05-14
- Mod current version : v1.15.2
More information on
Cessna 172SP Skyhawk AS1000 improvement mod page
Download links
Current file : bagolu-c172-patch.zip
A thread is available on the MSFS forums
Contact me if you need help : Contact information
Mod information, how to install...
See more information and installation notes on Cessna 172SP Skyhawk AS1000 improvement mod pageChangelog
🚧 New release : v1.15.2 (2024-05-14)
Fix :
- GTN750 on tablet works again (bug reported by Jim B.)
- Book and tablet animations adjusted
🚧 New release : v1.15.1 (2024-05-07)
Quick Fix :
- Interior model was exported with roof windows, that was mistake and is corrected
🚧 New release : v1.15.0 (2024-05-06)
Changes :
- optional AOA indicator (you can show/hide it on panel from the book)
- current mod version now shows in the handbook
🚧 New release : v1.14.0 (2023-11-12)
Changes :
- Book size and checklist card size changed : I hope they’re better now in VR
- New book pages, easier to understand
- Checklist repositioned on the left side of the panel
🚧 New release : v1.13.0 (2023-10-11)
Fixes :
- Ingame documentation update
- Emissive documentation for night start beginers
New features :
- Internal lights are now saved
- 3 configurations for compass :
- Standard : on the board
- Higher, on the windscreen
- No compass (a feature request for panel builders)
🚧 New release : v1.12.0 (2023-07-14)
Fixes :
- lights fix
- fixed non emissive checklists
- fixed bad emissive S4S tablet
- you can now use Cold&Dark on ground (not only on parking spot)
- Cargo textures rework
New features :
- Microphone show/hide
- Glove box can be opened
- exit_open handled to hear external noises when doors/windows are opened (thanks to Martin and Boris Audio Works)
There are also a lot of internal and invisible rework in preparation of future updates
Happy flying to all of you !
🚧 New release : v1.11.0 (2023-04-07)
Fixes :
- Try to avoid loading problems. Still not perfect : sometimes, a flight restart is needed
- Tablet luminosity (emissive texture was missing)
- SU12 Asobo G1000 backport (it should fix a few problems like engines pages in AS1000)
- Separated textures for cargo logos (asked by Petroxyl)
- Corrected unwrapping on tablet for better customisation (asked by Petroxyl)
- animated rivets on spinner (they were fixed!) (reported by Petroxyl)
New features :
- Postit on the panel notifying of available plane updates. Click it to hide it.
- Same package also available on my personal website
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v1.10.0 (2023-02-12)
- Sky4sim os support
- with integration : works fastly
- B78xh mod bug workaround
- the overidden template has been rewritten to avoid bugs with b78xh mod installed
- I hope we won’t have to write workarounds for a lot of other mods
Minor fixes:
- 3D model left aileron (thanks to cymaz)
- Checklist errors (thanks to tundra.aviation)
🚧 New release : v1.9.0 (2023-02-05)
Changes :
- Copilot and passengers weights are not modified anymore when choosing cold & dark
- Door & window new sounds donated by Boris Audio Work
- The very good “CESSNA 172 SOUND SET” will very soon include them and be fully compatible with this plane, thanks to Boris
- GTN 750 support (if installed) on tablet (not realistic, but a very requested feature)
- Tablet returns to your current app when powered back on after off
Fixes :
- fail proof state saved reading function (or better at least)
- dual decals in cockpit
- bad uvmap on windshield
🚧 New release : v1.8.0 (2023-01-14)
New feature :
- Cargo unloading : option available from the cargo page of the book
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v1.7.0 (2023-01-02)
The new year tablet update !
The new tablet it is stowed in the copilot lower right compartment. It can be brought up by clicking on the right edge of the panel too. It is used to display external apps like :
- Sky4Sim (including Neofly4)
- Neofly 3
- VFRmaps You can find the referenced app links on this project page.
V1.7.0 Fixes/updates :
- cardboard is now stowed in cold+start
- VR problems fixed : they were caused by hidden manual & cardboard
- OpenStreetMap added to the vfr maps
- Switzerland maps added to the vfr maps
- New option to hide the manual logo on the panel
- Tablet added to the plane
Happy Skyhawking year !
🚧 New release : v1.6.0 (2022-12-17)
This update brings a new cockpit feature : VFR Maps
Bring the cardboard on the yoke from the lower center console by clicking on it and choose one of the few available VFR map websites. Currently, we have FR, UK, US. I haven’t found a lot of ready to use websites. Skyvector would have been cool, but they forbid iframes.
If you have website suggestions to add to the list, I’m all ears !
Happy VFR flying !
🚧 New release : v1.5.0 (2022-12-08)
The cargo update
I’ve finaly added the objects I had modeled last summer. WIP :
- It’s planed to be able to load/unload cargo.
- It’s planed to have decals on most of the cargo objects, so you’ll be able to customize them easily.
- I also have a few other cargo options in my todolist (not modeled yet) But this will be for future updates, theses cargos have been wating for too long in my hangar !
Features / fixes :
- cargo configurations : new page in the book
- no more weight needed for passengers : I’ve removed the condition, you only need to check the options in the book now.
- ingame documentation update
- SU11 asobo’s plane retro port of the configurations, variables, etc
- Wing texture fix, thanks to SebStep91
Don’t overload the plane, fly safe !
🚧 New release : v1.4.0 (2022-11-24)
New features :
- ingame manual : click on the Help sticker on the left of the PFD
- passengers :
- check the options in the book
- set weight > 0 in the MSFS “weight and balance” page
Fixes :
- reload of saved stated delayed a little (I found a race conditions)
- panel sticker UVmap fix
Happy flying with the new passengers and don’t worry if they do not smile a lot, I’m sure they really appreciate the flight !
🚧 New release : v1.3.0 (2022-10-25)
Fixes :
- chocks & tie downs are automaticaly removed when we start in the air
- cleaned up 3D model (useless parts)
- checklist corrected (speed units)
New features :
- Internal stickers : One single image to decorate the panel easily
- STATE SAVING is a new option available in the book. It records :
- fuel tank levels
- levers positions
- switches
- sun visors positions
- doors and windows
- but does not record (yet) :
- the group of 4 internal lights (they’ll require animation recoding)
- magnetos key (by choice)
Thank again for all your reports from the previous versions.
I hope you’ll enjoy that one
See you in the sky, hawks !
🚧 New release : v1.2.0 (2022-09-27)
Fix :
- now this mod uses Working Titles G1000 panels by default. Thanks to Nautiker777 for the report If for a specific reason you want to use default old G1000 system, you’ll have to replace lines with WT1000 references in panel.cfg with : htmlgauge00=NavSystems/AS1000/PFD/AS1000_PFD.html, 0, 0, 1024, 768 htmlgauge00=NavSystems/AS1000/MFD/AS1000_MFD.html,0,0,1024,768
Thanks a lot for all your messages and thanks for your replies to the poll for the next features. The primary choice is STATE SAVING in plane. I’ll be working on that feature. The objective is to :
- save buttons and levers positions
- save fuel quantity
- save mod options (chocks, checklists… that’s almost already done)
- stay compatible with startup options from MSFS : I need to see what to do when one wants to start from the runway or inflight (you probably don’t want to spawn there with everything turned off, but I’ve seen payware planes doing that with state saving…)
🚧 New release : v1.1.0 (2022-09-18)
Thanks to all the kind words for the 1st release of this mod !
I’ve tried to handled the most urgent problems :
This new release fixes :
- external lights (landing + taxi) are now visible on the model
- windshields are cleaner : I’ve removed (for now) the annoying textures with prints & stains (we’ll see later with the dirt & aging layers)
- objects in cockpits (bottles…) have been enlarged to match better real sizes (they are only the begining of custom interior decoration)
This release also adds a few simple new features :
- you can now hide the checklist card, if you don’t want it at all
- you can show or hide the various objects in cockpit
- new external static objects :
- tie downs
- pitot covers
- cowl plugs not perfectly static, you’ll see…
If you want to choose the next incoming feature, please see the poll : https://flightsim.to/group/40194/cessna-172sp-skyhawk-as1000-improvement
Happy skyhawking !