FR172 Reims Rocket / Cessna R172 Hawk XP II
- Mod release date : 2022-09-10
- Mod last update : 2025-01-18
- Mod current version : v6.1.2
More information on
FR172 Reims Rocket / Cessna R172 Hawk XP II mod page
Download links
Current file : bagolu-c172-reimsrocket-hawkxpii.zip
A thread is available on the MSFS forums
Contact me if you need help : Contact information
Mod information, how to install...
See more information and installation notes on FR172 Reims Rocket / Cessna R172 Hawk XP II mod pageChangelog
🚧 New release : v6.1.2 (2025-01-18)
MSFS2024 information:
- This plane is currenlty mostly compatible with MSFS2024 as a legacy port, that is to say, without fancy new 2024 features.
- Screens still have bad visibility. Asobo has a fix since dev alpha but still hasn’t been delivered.
- Fix: vloc & from/to indic.
- 2024 aoa fix
- 2024 tweak : removed all “created by” not to mess plane grouping
- windshield defrost renamed (. removed)
Happy 2025 flying year !
🚧 New release : v6.1.0 (2024-11-10)
MSFS2024 information:
- This plane is currenlty mostly compatible with MSFS2024 as a legacy port, that is to say, without fancy new 2024 features.
- It flies the same, all features work the same. The current issues in dev alpha are common to all aircrafts from MSFS2020 (lights, pilots avatars…)
- One feature is not compatible anymore : manual defrost uses a hack on the windshield that’s very bad in MSFS2024 : I need to remove it I’ll probably try to work on it and make it a native MSFS2024 plane : use native dust/mud layers, native pax & cargo if we can Of course, if my computer can handle it (not sure at all)
- added lights on radios and GPS : use the light knob to adjust
- removed manual defrost for MSFS2024 compatibility
I wish you good flights either on MSFS2020 or on MSFS2024 !
🚧 New release : v6.0.0 (2024-10-26)
New GPS update ! This updates brings two radio stack variants :
- WT GNS430
- KLN90b Use the book to select them, like the other variants.
Other new features :
- Panel cover can now be used with G5 units
- New 3D model for HSI
- GPS & NAV emissive label in HDI fix (on correct circuit)
- Gauges textures reworked a little
If you want to use the KLN90B, you’ll have to install in your community dir the mod from falcon71. Get it on github
🚧 New release : v5.0.2 (2024-10-16)
Small update this time :
- Ground FX were not visible (reported by crispy136)
- Amphib white (default) panel directory was missing (reported by crispy136)
- ATC model reporting corrected to real life values (reported by Delta2k5)
🚧 New release : v5.0.1 (2024-10-09)
New features:
- Amphibian variant
- 3D model based on my previous C172 amphibian mod
- Remade textures but larger parts are still compatible for easy livery conversion
- Water rudder located between seats
- Landing gear lever located next to the flaps lever
- 6 new liveries
- Same old flight model (not perfect on water : we’ll see what fs2024 will change about that)
🚧 New release : v4.2.1 (2024-06-03)
- GPU was showing in air spawn when active in state saving
- Shorter smoke effects
🚧 New release : v4.2.0 (2024-05-28)
New features:
- Manual defrost : It is prohibited to fly in icing condition with this plane but in case it’s too late and you really need to see a little more through the windshield, use the ice scraper after opening the window, and land as quickly as possible ! demo
- checklist typos (thanks to Michail71)
- gpu trap door texture
- removed old references from PMS750 in tablet
🚧 New release : v4.1.0 (2024-05-02)
New features:
- Optional G5 PFD as an alternative to the artificial horizon
- Optional G5 MFD as a third choice to the flight director alternatives with gyroscope and HSI
They are currently not compatible with the panel cover (square shape, round hole…)
Fly safe !
🚧 New release : v4.0.0 (2024-04-26)
New features:
- Interior rework : seats, walls, yokes now conform to the 70-80’s models
- Lots of interior liveries, based on real Reims Rocket & Hawk XP II
- Alternate air is now working
- Right yoke animation redone
- default options in hangar view (AOA indicator, GPU…)
The new interior are liveries, so you can contribute to get the exact style you want in your plane. Feel free to share your favorite ones in the forums
I hope you’ll like the new cosy mood of the cockpits Enjoy your flights !
🚧 New release : v3.6.0 (2024-04-06)
New features:
- Startup exhaust smoke effect
- Ground power unit (see external options in the configuration book)
Have nice flights !
🚧 New release : v3.5.2 (2024-02-25)
New features:
- AOA indicator comes with its own pitot tube : visible under right wing when AOA selected
- You can now close the skydiving door with a left turn :
- Skydiving doors on Reims Rockets were made with a spring to lift them up
- turning left is a common way to close them
- you won’t have to lock it when closed, this is automatic here
- Nb. You need an adequate accelaration on the left side for the door
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v3.5.1 (2024-02-18)
- AOA indicator show/hide setting was not working
🚧 New release : v3.5.0 (2024-02-17)
New features:
- optional AOA indicator (you can show/hide it on panel from the book)
- bigger wheels (6" instead of 5") usually used on Reims & HawkXP2
- 40° flap position according to POH with a little more drag effect
- Fixed OAT scale (report from AngelOfTheGrove)
- GTN750 has been removed from tablet as it is now integrated in cockpit as a variant
- Right skydiving door part visibility dependancy
Thanks a lot for all your reports
🚧 New release : v3.4.0 (2024-01-13)
You won’t get lost anymore with this update !
New features:
- Radio stack choice in the book :
- TDS GTN750 NXI : if you have the (payware) mod
- PMS50 GTN750 : if you have the (free/pay-ware) mod
- All radios
- VFR only (no nav)
- Wrong directions on CDI vertical indicators, ADF needle, HSI & CDI deviation (my animations got messed up)
- SDOACI has been removed from VFR maps (on the cardboard) : the website has been shut down and replaced by another one with registration. Alternative is GéoPortail but not compatible in iframe inclusion.
- Removed useless screw near flaps lever
- GPS/NAV1 will stay visible also for VFR because :
- you can use GPS from the tablet if you want
- msfs sometimes switches this value for no reason
- Yoke decals for Reims Rockets in HP195 variant
Thanks a lot to TDSSim for the support to include the NXI !
🚧 New release : v3.3.0 (2024-01-05)
New features:
- Nav2 vor gauge
- ADF KR87 & ADF Gauge
- DME K62A unit (no frequency setting for now: iit uses NAV1)
- HSI : you can choose between HSI & directional gyro (in book)
- New pages in configuration book
- Avionics switch on correct electric bus
In progress, maybe in next release:
- radio stack choices:
- TDS GTN750NXI is almost ready to be used
- PMS GTN750, virtualy here in tablet, will be added in radio stack too
- The current full radio stack
- A simple, pure VFR stack will also be available
I hope you’ll like it !
🚧 New release : v3.2.0 (2023-12-21)
New features:
- KAP140 PMS free mod replacing default KAP140, thanks to Alvega
- Skydiving door rework closer to real doors :slight_smile:
- corner cut so door doesn’t collide with wing strut
- New door handle
- doc typos (root/roof)
- prop attachment on 195HP variant
🚧 New release : v3.1.0 (2023-12-03)
Anniversary update : this plane mod is one year old !
- attitude indicator animations & positions
- stby batt removed (not present in Reims Rocket ref. manual)
- decal material correction
- ingame documentation corrected
- compass and altimeter swaped (common request)
- ELT code removed
- cowling covers
New features:
- Book rework (following AS1000 patch)
- Skydiving kit upgraded : Jump seat and carpet added
- WTT compat mod for gtn750 thanks to Alvega
- New NAV1/GPS switch
- New EGT gauge (right panel)
- New OAT gauge (next to top right sun visor)
🚧 New release : v3.0.0
When we started this mod, I only had a C172 G1000 interior 3D model from my other mods. We knew it wasn’t realistic, but we decided to start the Reims Rocket / Hawk XPII mod this way anyway.
After a few versions finalizing the two variants we wanted, I finally settled on the cockpit design as it may have existed on early versions of the Reims Rocket. This new release replaces the G1000 cockpit with an all-gauge cockpit.
We hope you’ll enjoy flying it!
Stay tuned as we still have a modifications to make to this mod !
🚧 New release : v2.1.0
Fix :
- One panel was refering to the AS1000 patch
New features backported from C172 enhancement project :
- you can now use Cold&Dark on ground (not only on parking spot)
- Microphone show/hide
- Glove box can be opened
- exit_open handled to hear external noises when doors/windows are opened (thanks to Martin and Boris Audio Works)
- Cargo textures rework
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v2.0.2
Fix :
- Checklist content correctly displayed
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v2.0.0
We’re happy to introduce a new Reims Rocket / Hawk XP II variant : the 195HP, 2 blade prop.
- Specific 3D model propeller
- Flight model adapted to the 195HP engine
- 12 new liveries
- Same G1000 cockpit setup (for the moment)
New features :
- New liveries for the 210HP, 3blade prop variant
- New door sounds thanks to Boris
- Postit on the panel notifying of available plane updates. Click it to hide it.
New features backported from C172 enhancement project :
- Don’t touch copilot and passenger for cold&dark
- Sync to c172-enhancement mod :
- tablet upgrade (GTN750, S4S…)
- Sky4sim OS support
Fixes :
- Chrome door handles on all liveries
- Landing & taxi lights inversion
- Aileron wire fix
- B78xh mod bug workaround
- POH rework with new data from cessna2807
- Various stuff in cockpit visible in hangar
- Fix to try to avoid starting issues (blank panels)
- Separated textures for cargo logos (asked by Petroxyl)
- Corrected unwrapping on tablet for better customisation (asked by Petroxyl)
- Luggage visibility fix
Many thanks to Ann0v & whiskytango208 for the liveries they gave to us : HB-COV, N1951S
We are working on a simple gauges version. It will take time to be ready, but work has begun !
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v1.2.0
New features :
- Roof windows (optional, available in the book)
- Taxi & landing lights have been move on the lower part of the nose (custom liveries may require cleanup on the wings)
- Cowl flaps with the lever on the central console
- Rudder trim lever on the central console
New features backported from C172 enhancement project :
- New option to hide the manual logo on the panel
- Cargo unloading : option available from the cargo page of the book
- A new tablet, stowed in the copilot lower right compartment. It can be brought up by clicking on the right edge of the panel too. It is used to display external apps like :
- Sky4Sim (including Neofly4)
- Neofly 3
- VFRmaps You can find the referenced app links on this project page.
We are still working on the 2 blade prop variant. Sounds improvement have also progressed a lot !
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v1.1.2
Christmas update !
Fixes :
- No more VR obstacle in front of the player (hopefully… I can’t test)
- ATC-ID not overriden in liveries anymore
- Yoke logos up to date
New features backported from C172 enhancement project :
- cargo configurations : see the new page in the book
- maps : Bring the cardboard on the yoke from the lower center console by clicking on it and choose one of the few available VFR map websites.
Currently, we have maps for CH, FR, UK, US and a simple worldwide OSM. I haven’t found a lot of ready to use websites. Skyvector would have been cool, but they forbid iframes and openflightmap only provides raw data.
If you have website suggestions to add to the list, I’m all ears !
🚧 New release : v1.1.1
Previous version 1.1.0 had missing texture files causing problems with some liveries. This is a quick fix to that problem.
Fixes :
- Missing texture files (because of a new compiler behavior)
- Corrected tail on D-ECJG
Happy flying !
🚧 New release : v1.1.0
New features :
- Alternative wheel fairings : older style that were usual on theses planes (they’re ON by default, you switch to recent ones in the book)
- Last features from the Cessna 172SP Skyhawk AS1000 improvement mod :
- ingame manual for the mod (click spot on the panel)
- state saving (new option in the book, cold start trigger)
- visible passengers (you need to check the option in the book and give weight in MSFS fuel & balance options)
Fixes :
- Engine modes : closer to POH
- RPM max on ground (2800)
- you can get 500fpm climb with 2500RPM, 25MP
- cruise at 2400RPM, 24MP gives ~120knts
- UVMaps fixes
- Wing texture fix (thanks to SebStep91)
No break modification : it is still on the default value from 172SP. With the engine modification I don’t find it under powered. Tell me what you think about it
In incoming updates :
- Sounds : We are still working on appropriate engine music
- The 2 blade variant with 195HP engine
- Cowl flaps and rudder trim control are still missing in the cockpit
We hope you’ll like this one
Happy flying