Cessna 172SP Skyhawk AS1000 improvement
This is an improvement mod of one the default planes from MSFS made by Asobo, the Skyhawk with Garmin 1000 variant. It adds interior animations, new objects and passengers, various options inside and outside the plane.
How do I install it ?
Like all other mods :
- Have a carefull look at the compatibility list before using it.
- Remove previous version if there is one (in case some files are removed).
- Unzip the provided file below, drop the directory from the zip in your community folder.
- You can of course use your prefered mod manager to install / activate / deactivate this mod/
Download link and changelog
What’s in this mod ?
When installing this mod, it replaces the default Skyhawk AS1000 (no new plane in the hangar). You’ll have to select the “default” Asobo C172 Skyhawk AS1000 plane from the hangar.
TLDR : Vidéo demo for version 1.3.0
Mod name | Compatible? | Remarks |
WT G1000NXI | Yes | Selected by default |
MGouge425’s Asobo C172SP AS1000 Realism Mod | Yes | Fully compatible. Higly recommended to improve plane performance realism |
Boris Audio Work CESSNA 172 SOUND SET | Yes | Boris himself made it compatible |
Asobo default liveries | NO | Only the default one is supported. The others are not : Kenmore but neither the awfull ones : 01, Aviatorsclub, test pilot, xbox aviatorclub |
Custom liveries | MAYBE | See note about liveries |
B78XH mod | YES | mod was reported to cause side effects (it affects other planes too) but I have modified my code to avoid the problems |
New light | NO | The mod conflicts |
PMS GTN750 mods | NO | not until they’re updated to use override_base_container |
WBSims classic mod | YES | not related to this plane (it’s for classic variant) |
My other C172 mods | YES | not modified by this mod, but compatible |
- Default Asobo liveries are not compatible : they used their own models: they won’t be modified by this mod and will still be usable in their default version.
- Custom Cessna Skyhawk AS1000 LIVERIES should be compatible
- as long as the models are not overwritten in the livery itself. In this case, original interior/exterior will be used
- As long as the panel.cfg/xml are not overwritten (if you have blank screens on checklist/book that may be because of that)
AS1000 variant : What about a classic gauges variant ?
This mod is made from Asobo’s Skyhawk AS1000 thanks to Games content usage rules : I have imported 3D model in Blender, modified and exported it to build this mod.
There will be no classic gauges mod based on Asobo’s Skyhawk model as it is :
- encrypted (after SU10, only cfg files are available)
- part of MSFS Premium (not redistributable as is)
If you want a cockpit with gauges you can use my Reims Rocket mod
Thanks to Cessna2807, Ann0v, Pops738, xvx45 for the test and debug, fixes…
I hope you’ll enjoy this mod and take more pleasure in your future flights !
Happy skyhawking !