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Cessna 172 Taildragger

Cessna 172 with an upgraded engine, bush kit, mounted as a taildragger.

Let's stol !

A powerfull member of the short take-off and landing capable Skyhawk family built on a Lycoming 210HP ST, the C172 Bush Kit, the C172 Tail dragger, the C172 Amphibian.

How do I install it ?

Like all other mods :

Current version v3.4.2 released on 2025-01-18
Download link and changelog

This is a plane patch over Asobo’s Skyhawk and adds a new plane to your hangar (located at the begining : letter C… like Cessna)

Recommended packages if you want to use these GPS units :

Cockpit settings

You could find two variants in the past, now only one is available since v3.0.0.

The older one were including real files from G1000 and classic versions. With encrypted and unaccessible files, it was getting harder and harder to maintain the mod as-is.

I decided to reuse the interior made for the Reims Rocket / Hawk XPII.

Cockpit is a gauges setup with a choice of radio stacks from simple VFR to advanced Garmin 750 & 650 units.

3D model modifications

Model modifications of the original Asobo Skyhawk plane included :

It also includes all the modifications made for my other mods :

Flight model modifications

(*) all positions of flaps can be used with an axis or with mouse; they can also be used through 4 positions (with up/down shortcuts)

Liveries included

Several liveries are included with this plane :

Notes to livery makers :

EzRyder has made a very nice ALLInOne C172 Template. Don’t miss that paint kit.

Also, don’t miss the blender multi template pack from AIRPAC1

Flight model

Flight model was initialy based on reaperS73 work on the C172 STC 210HP STOL G1000 and changed a lot. It allows to operate in a STOL mode in bush locations.

About this work

This mod respects the Game Content Usage Rules from Microsoft.

3D model has been made with blender from the export of Skyhawk G1000 Asobo’s original model.

All the external textures and animations had to be redone and match the original definitions.

A huge thanks to Jonk’s developpement series that helped a LOT.

Many thanks to EzRyder who figured it out how to use the classic cockpit, MikeFear303 for the classic cockpit xml & systems trick !

Pictures from Ann0v :