I.C.P. Savannah S
This is a (unofficial) plane mod of the italian I.C.P. ultra-light Savannah-S
How do I install it ?
Like all other mods :
- Have a carefull look at the compatibility list before using it.
- Remove previous version if there is one (in case some files are removed).
- Unzip the provided file below, drop the directory from the zip in your community folder.
- You can of course use your prefered mod manager to install / activate / deactivate this mod/
Download link and changelog
What’s in this mod ?
Currently, not a lot of things : it’s under development !
The model is practically finished, as are the animations; the flight model is a very rough first version, but the plane can fly. All material work remains to be done. There is no sound, no camera, no checklist and so on
As this aircraft is available with a wide variety of cockpit configurations, my first plan is to work on few variants :
- simple gauges for VFR flights with optional GPS
- glass cockpit ? if yes, probably based on G3x.
But I like all my mods to be highly configurable, so there’ll probably be more than that (and tail dragger variants exist, seaplanes too!).
Help needed
I have received many offers of help in the development of this mod.
If you are familiar with the real plane (pilot, student, owner…) feel free to contact me. I already have a lot of reference material, but this is never too much ;)